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How Zenprint uses Hotjar to go beyond Google Analytics and understand user behavior.

“When our users have a better experience, it benefits our conversions and ROI as well. Hotjar helps me identify bottlenecks and deliver the experience people want when they visit our website."

How to improve customer experience
How to spot bugs
Digital marketer

Last updated

30 Sep 2021

Features used


It’s becoming a well-established principle in the world of e-commerce that what’s best for users is what’s best for business. Take care of providing users a great experience on your site, and you’ll find the barriers to conversion getting lower.

The art and science of doing this, however, is far from easy, and success hinges on going beyond raw numbers.

How do you go about fixing high drop-off rates from key pages? Traditional web analytics, with its big-picture traffic data will only get you so far. Take a leaf out of Zenprint’s book, who used Hotjar to solve a major bottleneck in their customer journey and saw a 7 percentage point decrease to page drop-off rate.


Would Hotjar be the right solution for Zenprint to decrease their website drop-off rate?

Zenprint is an online printing service provider based in Australia. They make it easy for businesses to order printing products online, including business cards, leaflets, flyers, and more.

As their Senior Online Marketing Analyst, Piriya Kantong is always looking for ways to improve user experience. He knows that engagement goes up and bounce rate goes down when users can easily find what they’re searching for. So he started looking for a tool that would help him and his team do just that.

We wanted to decrease website drop-off rate. We needed to identify the cause, but we weren’t sure if Hotjar would give us the solution we needed.
Piriya Kantong
Senior Online Marketing Analyst, Zenprint

Piriya and his team were already using Google Analytics, which showed the time spent on each page and bounce rate. What it didn’t show was how people interacted with the page: what they clicked on, where they lingered, and where they lost interest.

They needed a behavior and feedback analysis tool—something they could use alongside Google Analytics to find and fix potential user experience issues. Piriya explains that the challenging part “was identifying which sections of a particular page were causing the problems. We couldn’t make assumptions. We didn’t know what our users were seeing.”

Hotjar’s low barrier to entry made it a natural fit. Piriya tells us that they decided to give Hotjar a try because of the free trial and the testimonials about how easy it is to use.

Here’s how Piriya solved Zenprint’s website drop-off issues with Hotjar.

Going beyond the numbers in Google Analytics and understanding user behavior

To solve the bottlenecking issue of users dropping off, Piriya first used Google Analytics to understand the big picture of what was happening on Zenprint’s website, seeing how much time people spent on each page and what the average bounce rate looked like. “Analytics gives you pretty detailed numbers, but numbers alone don’t help you see the problem from the user’s perspective.” 

Piriya used Hotjar to analyze user behavior and look for specific issues that might lead to drop off. Three features gave him the information he needed to diagnose the problem: FunnelsRecordings, and Heatmaps.

Hotjar reveals what numbers don’t. Funnels helped me identify where in the customer journey people drop off. Recorded User Sessions let me understand what people see when they arrive on our website—what they click and what they don’t click. Heatmaps helped me identify where they spend most of their time and assess if they should be spending time there or not.
Piriya Kantong
Senior Online Marketing Analyst, Zenprint

Thanks to Hotjar’s insights, Piriya discovered that the product page drop-off was caused by a design issue in the pricing table. From there, it was easy to A/B test various layouts and create a solution. Now when a user hovers over a price it gets highlighted and shows a message about how to proceed.

Google Analytics plus Hotjar was the winning combination that helped Piriya improve UX. 

We used Hotjar’s insights to narrow down the possible causes of drop-off. It enabled us to focus on and test a few real solutions instead of chasing hypothetical solutions based on guesswork.
Piriya Kantong
Senior Online Marketing Analyst, Zenprint

By split testing different layouts, Piriya and his team decreased the drop-off rate of the problematic page by 7 percentage points. And that’s not all—conversions increased by 2 percentage points too. “Our goal was reducing the drop-off rate. The increased conversion rate was a side benefit of keeping visitors on the page.”

Beyond the numbers: a tool used daily to improve the user experience for Zenprint’s visitors.

But Piriya hasn’t stopped there—he still uses Hotjar every day. “Google Analytics gives me the numbers and Hotjar helps me pinpoint particular areas on the page that might be causing problems or interfering with the customer journey.” 

Hotjar saves us more than hours. It saves us days—maybe weeks—of testing hypothetical solutions. It saves time for the deployment team too, not just my marketing team.
Piriya Kantong
Senior Online Marketing Analyst, Zenprint

For Piriya, the benefit of Hotjar goes beyond a one-time fix for high bounce rate—it’s a tool he can rely on over and over again to improve the user experience for Zenprint’s visitors. “When our users have a better experience, it benefits our conversions and ROI as well. Hotjar helps me identify bottlenecks and deliver the experience people want when they visit our website.”

For a growing company like Zenprint, which runs multiple websites in five different countries, that benefit is hard to overstate. Piriya and his team use Hotjar to fix a problem on one site, and are able to implement the same solution across the others as well. 

With Hotjar now part of Piriya’s day-to-day process, he no longer needs to guess when something needs improvement; Hotjar helps him gain actionable insights from actual users in real-time. Now, he knows that every change he makes reduces on-site friction—which, at the end of the day, translates to happier customers and more sales.

I’m experience-obsessed. I want the customer journey to be a steady flow from start to finish. No bottlenecks. No interruptions. Hotjar is the perfect tool for experience-obsessed people like me.
Piriya Kantong
Senior Online Marketing Analyst, Zenprint

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