Explore and understand your metrics with Trends

Traditional analytics only show you the numbers. Trends lets you see the full picture. Visualize your metrics to spot user behavior patterns and uncover the “why” behind the numbers by going to the relevant recordings and heatmaps directly from your charts.


Explore and understand your metrics with Trends

Traditional analytics only show you the numbers. Trends lets you see the full picture. Visualize your metrics to spot user behavior patterns and uncover the “why” behind the numbers by going to the relevant recordings and heatmaps directly from your charts.

Trusted by 900,000 websites in 180+ countries

Join the Launch Party!

On July 27th at 11 am EST, we’ll be throwing a party to celebrate the launch of Trends and hosting fireside chats about the best practices in the user behavior analytics space with Hotjar’s Product Managers. 

Save your seat to see Trends in action and get a chance to claim special offers!

How it works

Trends connects the dots between user behavior and numbers in a single tool.

Create your custom conversion metrics and KPIs and visualize them as charts to spot trends over time.

Launch products more successfully

Keep track of your conversion metrics in Trends after each product launch and spot issues early on in the user journey.

Improve product adoption

Measure the results of your A/B tests easily with Trends and dive deeper into the underlying recordings and heatmaps.

Make user-led product decisions

Connect product metrics to qualitative user insights on a single platform and learn from your users effortlessly.

Unlock Hotjar Trends today

Bridge the gap between numbers and user insights. Trends is available on Observe Scale plan.

Track your custom metrics

Find deeper insights with a single click

GDPR- & CCPA-ready

Four tools available on every Hotjar plan

Use Trends to find the most relevant user insights in Hotjar’s tools
