Hotjar Team


Hotjar Team

Almost 150 Hotjarians in 24 countries with 1 goal: to give you and your team the insights you need to create experiences your users love.

Blog articles

Series F blog header image

Behind the scenes

We just raised $600 million. Here’s what’s next.

We’re delighted to announce today that Contentsquare, Hotjar’s parent company, has raised $600 million in a Series F investment round.

Hotjar Team

5 Ways Recruiters and Job Seekers Can Have a Better Hiring Experience

Behind the scenes

5 ways recruiters and job seekers can have a better hiring experience

We interviewed our People leaders, Sara Bent, Angela Buccitti, and Carol Veiga for a behind-the-scenes look at what makes our hiring experience unique for both recruiters and candidates.

Hotjar Team

How to break into product design

PX insights

How to break into product design

Hotjar's Saskia Everard shares her insights.

Hotjar Team

Practical mindfulness in the workplace

Remote teams

How to incorporate more mindfulness into your workday, from meetings to coffee breaks

Can mindfulness really help reduce stress and improve attention? Yes. And it's easier than you think to get started with some simple practices at work. Here's how.

Hotjar Team

Pride Panel 2022

Behind the scenes

Pride Panel 2022: how far we still have to go

Hotjar’s 2022 Pride Panel highlighted the immense diversity within the LGBTQIA+ community, shining a spotlight on asexuality and personal stories from around the globe.

Hotjar Team

The importance of downtime for deep work and better work-life balance

Remote teams

Productivity hack: the importance of downtime for deep work and better work-life balance

Feel like you never have time to get it all done? Maybe you need to take a break. Here’s how to unlock deep work time by prioritizing deep downtime.

Hotjar Team

How to take a mental health day

Remote teams

How to take a mental health day—tips from our team

When was the last time you took a mental health day? If your answer is never, find out why you should. And if you’re not sure how, or when, to take a day for yourself, we’ve got that covered, too.

Hotjar Team

Behind the scenes

The fall before the catch: this is where you nurture psychological safety

Do you feel safe speaking up in front of your team? You don’t build trust through team-building exercises and stated values. Here are 11 ways to build trust in teams. 

Hotjar Team

Behind the scenes

Forget perfection: how to unmask your inner imposter

Ever felt like you weren’t good enough, like you were an imposter in your own job? Us, too. So let’s talk about it—along with ways to overcome those fraudulent feelings.

Hotjar Team

Hotjar vs

Hotjar vs Clarity: which one should you choose?

Deciding between tools is never easy. There are endless features to compare, heaps of reviews to read through, and countless differences to consider. 

But don’t sweat. We’ve taken the time to detail the core differences between our products—so you don’t have to.

Hotjar Team

How values guide everything we do at Hotjar

Behind the scenes

How values guide everything we do at Hotjar (yes, really)

What’s your first thought when you hear 'company values'?

Many of us are immediately skeptical. For the cynics, values = platitudes, corporate lip service, and that meaningless sign you point new joiners to, never to think about again.

Hotjar Team

Remote teams

10 tips to drive product teams in 2022

The new year is well underway. And by this time, many people’s New Year’s resolutions are well out of mind. 

But we don’t want that to happen to you. So we put together a list of 10 New Year’s resolutions web-olutions to help you stay tuned into the goals you’ve set for yourself, and the goals you may have forgotten to put on your list. 

Prioritizing product roadmaps, building trust with your team, and overcoming the biggest and baddest product obstacles. This, plus plenty more. 

So grab your notebook and let’s make sure this year counts.

Hotjar Team

Remote teams

Inside Hotjar's sales team: an interview with Kristina Maleeva

Why do you work where you do? What made you want to work there? And now that you’re there, why do you decide to stay?

We sat down with Kristina Maleeva, our Sales team Lead for the Americas, to find out why Hotjar is where she calls home. We learned a lot about what makes Hotjar’s Sales culture unique, some company perks that you don’t hear every day, and an approach to remote work that actually works.

Hotjar Team

Remote teams

How empathy and experimentation drive Hotjar's product team rituals

How much time do you spend a week in recurring meetings? How many of those are actually useful to you? If you’re like most product teams, I’m sure you’ve got your remote rituals pretty much nailed by now. Right? Sure.

At Hotjar, we’ve been doing this fully remote work thing since 2014. Yes, way before the pandemic hit. And to be honest, we still haven’t nailed it. But we have learned some things along the way that have helped.

Hotjar Team

Remote teams

15 tools that our product teams actually use in 2022

Are you using the best tools for your job? It’s a trick question. Because there’s rarely a hands-down best tool for any job. What matters is that you find the ones that work for you and your team. 

As part of a product team, you design and build products that customers love. How do you do that? By putting the customer first, and translating their needs into your product. So you need ways to interact with customers, gather all the research you’ve done, prototype and design solutions, and to keep track of progress along the way.

Hotjar Team

Product Manager prioritization channel your inner PANDA

PX insights

Product manager prioritization: channel your inner PANDA!

Being a product manager can feel like being on safari. You’ve planned the route you want to take and you have your backpack full of tools ready—but changing environments and unpredictable creatures can derail your plans at any moment.

Hotjar Team

Hotjar talks Google@2x

UX design and analysis

4 steps to being less wrong in UX Design, from Leandro Lima at Google

One of our values is that we challenge ourselves to grow. By hosting external speakers and sharing their ideas, we’re hoping to inspire you, our Hotjar community, to grow too. 

Hotjar Team

Remote teams

Tips and observations on remote working from a remote company. (Hint: It’s us!)

Hotjar was always going to be a remote company, long before the coronavirus pandemic. In 2014, when Hotjar began, our three founders all lived in Malta, yet they didn’t know how long they’d be there and where life would take them next.

So, they set out to create a remote company, and what better way to practice than by working from different corners of the island? It could’ve been easy to have a Meetup and work alongside each other, but David, Marc, and Jonathan started as they meant to go on.

Now, a few years and over 100 employees later, and in the spirit of one of our values—build trust with transparency—we’re ready to share some tips with the world. We asked Hotjarians about their experiences of working remotely and we’ve summarized them below.

Hotjar Team

Remote teams

The ‘Great Resignation’, from an entirely remote company’s perspective

A record number of people are leaving their jobs. It’s a phenomenon being called ‘The Great Resignation’, where more workers are planning to leave their jobs than ever before.

Some are pointing to the slow move to flexible or remote working as the main culprit. While on the other hand, some businesses have ignored this entirely and adopted the tactic of moving everyone right back into the office and returning to business as usual. (As a remote business, we don’t comply with this!)

Nevertheless, businesses are currently experiencing an exodus of talent. And on top of that, they’re having just as much trouble filling those empty seats.

Hotjar Team

Behind the scenes

Building in Public 4: your burning questions answered – a Q&A with Megan Murphy

A few weeks ago, we put Megan Murphy, the VP of Product at Hotjar, on the spot to answer our users’ burning questions.

In these two videos, Megan covers everything from how to get strategy buy-in to handling loud voices in meetings to whether she’d abandon everything to open a bar on the beach.

So, despite it not being in our usual format for our Building in Public video series, whether you’re an experienced Product Manager or looking to start your product career, there’s something in here for you.

Hotjar Team

PX insights

Why user behavior signals are vital for product teams

The work of a product team never ends. There's no 'completion date' for growing revenue, reducing churn, increasing product usage, improving task completion, lowering the number of support tickets; and the list goes on.

But at the core of it lies the ultimate goal: to improve the user experience and create customer delight.

Hotjar Team

Behind the scenes

Building in Public 2: Product OKRs that unify, excite, and deliver

Would you believe that we managed to get every discipline equally excited about a single OKR? One that encouraged paying down some expensive tech debt, brought in some much-needed delight to a rather dull area of our product experience, and drove impressive business metrics—all at the same time?

Hotjar Team

UX design and analysis

How to use product feedback to solve business-critical issues

Product feedback is one of a product management team’s most effective tools, but only when that feedback comes with the proper context.

Hotjar Team

PX insights

Why your conversion rate doesn't tell you everything

Let’s take three product teams:

Team A ignores conversion metrics and focuses only on KPIs related to active users (MAU and DAU), retention (CRR), and customer satisfaction (CSAT).

Team B is fixated on product conversion rates, using the numbers as a North Star for understanding features or pages that trigger or block user actions.

Team C pays close attention to conversion rates, but as a springboard for diving deeper, getting inside users’ heads, and understanding why they do or don’t take actions that lead to conversions.

There’s a clear winner here.

Hotjar Team

Behind the scenes

Building in Public 3: competency frameworks that help product managers flourish

How do you measure a product manager’s performance? And how do you make sure the criteria you’re using is setting them up for a successful and rewarding career?

At Hotjar, we believe competency frameworks should be empowering. They should help others give feedback, provide transparent guidance about the expectations of a PM's role, and clearly signpost how they can reach the next step in their career.

Hotjar Team

Behind the scenes

Hotjar vs FullStory

Which one should you choose?

Hotjar Team

User research

How tracking user behavior on your website can improve customer experience

Imagine you’re running a brick-and-mortar store. From your perch at the counter, you can see and fix any issues the customers have as they move around the shop: if they have trouble navigating the aisles, you can make adjustments and help out; when they come up to the counter, you can strike up a conversation and learn who they are and what they’re looking for.

Hotjar Team

Behind the scenes

Hotjar vs Mouseflow

Hotjar vs Mouseflow: which one should your team choose?

Hotjar Team

Behind the scenes

Hotjar vs Google Analytics

Hotjar vs Google Analytics: it’s not an either/or (and why you should use both).

Hotjar Team

Behind the scenes

Hotjar vs Lucky Orange

Hotjar vs Lucky Orange: which one should you choose?

Hotjar Team

Behind the scenes

Building in Public: Hotjar’s 5 product principles

If you’re in a product team (or just have a product-related hobby), we’ve got some exciting news for you. We’ve just launched the first episode of a new video series called Building in Public, where we share the secrets of how we build Hotjar—as we build Hotjar.

Watch the first episode—all about Hotjar’s product principles—right here:

Hotjar Team

Person guiding another person while holding hands

PX insights

Your introduction to Hotjar: what it is, what it can do for you, and how it works

You already know it: what’s best for your users is best for your business.

But do you have the information and insights you need to build and create products that your users will love?

You may have important numbers like churn rate, page traffic, and drop-off rate from a product or web analytics tool. But do you know why your users are behaving a certain way? Where specifically in your product they're having issues that cause them to churn? Why they aren't converting?

Hotjar helps you answer these questions. Let's show you how: 

Hotjar Team

Behind the scenes

How Hotjar is giving back

At Hotjar, we believe that success shouldn’t be measured in profits alone, but rather in the contributions to all stakeholders; our team, customers, end-users, partners, the community, and the planet.

Which is why in 2017—on the Spanish coast at one of our bi-annual meetups—we announced that Hotjar would begin pledging 1% of our revenue to ‘giving back’. We didn’t have a solid plan on how we’d give, but we knew we wanted to do it in a meaningful way.

Hotjar Team


Grow your website with these 30+ website optimization tools

Continuously optimizing your website is critical to sustaining long-term growth. In the battle for visitors and conversions, one of your most valuable weapons is your ability to always iterate new and better versions of your website as user expectations (and the competitive landscape) evolve.

Hotjar Team

User research

Survey questions 101: over 70 survey question examples + types of surveys and FAQs

How well do you understand your prospects and customers? Do you know who they are, what keeps them awake at night, and what brought them to your business in search of a solution?

Hotjar Team

Behind the scenes

Pride panel: LGBTQIA+ representation in the workplace

As part of Hotjar's month-long celebration activities this Pride Month, we held an LGBTQIA+ panel for the team—exploring how to show up for and represent LGBTQIA+ people in the workplace.

Hotjar Team

PX insights

18 product workflow red flags: how to spot & resolve them

As a product manager, your job is to deliver a product your users love.

It seems simple when put that way, doesn’t it?

Hotjar Team

Remote teams

6 ways remote teams can use Hotjar to understand their users

If you’re part of a remote or distributed team, you may have noticed the productivity boosts you gain by working asynchronously. But moving your business forward has to happen while your team stays firmly focused and aligned on what matters most: your customers.

Hotjar Team

UX design and analysis

How to measure and improve customer retention using qualitative data

Traditional metrics like customer retention rate (CRR) and customer lifetime value (CLTV) are good to know, but they don't tell you the whole story of customer churn. To really make a difference in your retention rate, you need to know why customers stop using your product—and how you can get them to stick with it.

Hotjar Team


How to optimize your ecommerce conversion funnel: the new rules for the nonlinear customer journey

Despite all the time you’ve spent perfecting your conversion funnel, visitors still aren’t converting. You’ve invested in your site's design and navigation, you've increased your marketing efforts, and you’re following all the 'best practices' for conversion optimization.

But if you don't understand how real customers shop online, you're missing an opportunity to optimize your ecommerce conversion funnel to reflect each visitor's unique customer journey.

Hotjar Team

Behavior analytics

Hotjar vs Crazy Egg: which one is the best for your needs?

If you’re hoping to see a stand-off with Hotjar versus Crazy Egg, we must ask that you stand down right now. The Crazy Egg team has done a great job creating a product that businesses use for heatmaps, user session recordings, and A/B testing.

Hotjar Team

User research

How to nudge for good (and not evil)

Have you ever wondered what your users think of your website? Sure you have. But have you let your users inform (even dictate) your design process? If you're like a lot of website owners in the world, your answer might be: maybe.

Hotjar Team

User research

How product teams can conduct online surveys to get actionable insights

Developing a product without user feedback is like having a relationship without conversation. (Not great.)

And while there are plenty of ways to learn about your users—like watching session recordings, A/B testing, and even scouring forums where they spend their time—online surveys are one of the best ways to get direct user feedback.

Hotjar Team

User research

20+ post-event survey questions to ask after an online event

You spent months planning your online event, and now that it’s over, it’s time to sit back and relax, right? Not so fast! After hosting an event, there’s one more thing you absolutely must do: send post-event surveys to your attendees.

Hotjar Team

Remote teams

Introducing the One-ference: how one Hotjar developer made his own personalized conference

Conferences are great. You get to meet people, learn stuff, not be at work for the day. Joyful.

But let’s be honest: most conferences you go to end up with the two best talks scheduled to clash, then three hours of killing time until the next good one.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could pick and choose which talks happen, and when?

Hotjar Team

UX design and analysis

What kind of product creator are you: facilitator, peddler, entertainer, or dealer?

Building a SaaS product, app, or site?

If you’re a Product Creator in any capacity, the way you build your product will dictate the level of success you'll achieve. Like me, you’ve seen products and apps come and go. Some disappear as quickly as they arrive, and some (like Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, et al) have achieved incredible success.

But, why is it that people get hooked on some products while others don't even make a ripple in the pond?

Hotjar Team


6 steps to creating testimonials that drive sales (and don't suck)

When you get on a website and read a wall of customer testimonials that gush with nothing but praise, it’s not surprising if your first reactions are skepticism or suspicion.

Hotjar Team


How to discover what your users want to read (so you can write it for them)

At Hotjar, we use Hotjar in everything we do.

Whether it’s building, writing, scaling, designing, or hiring - Hotjar helps us make Hotjar better. We’re firm believers of practicing what we preach (and we 100% believe in our product) so using Hotjar to grow Hotjar is a must for our team.

Hotjar Team

Remote teams

Hanging out in the Mediterranean: How Hotjar does remote team meetups

In June 2016 the Hotjar team flew in from all over the world to spend a week together on the gorgeous island of Malta (click here in case you’re wondering where it is).

Hotjar Team


How to optimize your marketing funnel for the customer journey

Ask 10 marketers about marketing funnels and you’ll probably get 10 different answers. Why is that? A marketing funnel isn't a one-size-fits-all strategy; your marketing funnel is uniquely tailored to how your buyer buys.

Hotjar Team


What is website conversion? (And why it’s all about your users)

When you think about website conversions, you might think about percentages and averages that measure metrics and data points—like orders completed, subscription upgrades, and click-through rates.

But what do those metrics and data points actually tell you about your customers—the people you want to serve; the people you want to captivate, engage, and persuade?

Hotjar Team

Behavior analytics

10+ web analysis tools to help you understand your users [including 5 Google Analytics alternatives]

If you want your visitors to keep returning to your website—to increase traffic, improve conversion rates, and ultimately grow revenue—you need to understand what’s happening when they reach your site.

Hotjar Team

User research

How to analyze survey data and get to know your customers (without any headaches)

If you don’t understand your customers, it’s almost impossible to improve your product or service for them.

Online surveys make it easier than ever to get to know your users, but even a short, simple survey can leave you with a headache-inducing amount of user data to sort through.

So how do you make sense of it all?

Hotjar Team


The exact customer-driven methodology Drift used to grow from 0 to 70k customers in 4 years

Most startup founders dream of creating a single successful company.

David Cancel has done it 5 times.

His latest company, Drift, has already raised $107 million in funding and acquired over 70,000 active users in just 4 years.

So how did he do it?

The key has been a customer-driven methodology that David stumbled upon almost by accident at one of his previous companies.

Hotjar Team

Behind the scenes

Mastering the art of prioritization: how Hotjar decides what to work on next

Building a killer app is not a simple feat and requires relentless focus on what’s important not only for driving business but making our users happy. Our focus is on what will help them achieve their goals and eradicate pain points - their success is ours. With a limited number of resources at hand, how do we build a product that keeps our users happy without getting carried away with projects and features that add very little value?

Making the right choice when deciding what to work on next is crucial. A bad decision now could have a huge impact on how quickly you are able to scale or pivot later on. At Hotjar we ask ourselves three simple questions when deciding what we want to focus on:

Hotjar Team


How we're using non-gated content for trust and growth at Hotjar

Sticking an opt-in gate in front of your content and counting how many people go through it has become the go-to solution to measure lead generation and marketing success. But is inundating people with pop-ups that promise mind-blowing content in exchange for their email address really the best way to go about building your brand/business?

Hotjar Team


4 proven ways to increase conversions [with case studies]

From micro-conversions (like add-to-cart) to macro-conversions (like hitting that 'confirm purchase' button), conversions are forever being tracked and optimized on every level, and low conversion rates are a common struggle (and, sometimes, a mystery).

This article will put an end to the struggle, and help you get the answers you need.

Hotjar Team

Behind the scenes

How to grow and run a remote business - the Hotjar way

When Hotjar was initially built the founders knew they wanted the company to grow and flourish in a remote environment. Rather than be held back, they wanted to allow the flexibility to find the best people in the world while also providing the opportunity for Hotjar employees to live wherever they wanted, spend time with their families and friends at their leisure, and control their own working schedules. This belief system quickly grew into what we all call 'The Hotjar Way' internally. We have been able to grow, manage, and maintain an awesome culture across the world. So we wanted to share with you how we did it!

Hotjar Team

User research

5 tips for mastering interviews: the Hotjar Product team weighs in

Ah, the user interview. Without a doubt one of the most valuable exercises you can run for understanding users better. But how can you, the interviewer, make sure you get the insights you need (and end up with a happy interviewee)? The first stage is understanding what this is—and what it isn’t.

Hotjar Team


How product teams can decrease shopping cart abandonment rate by improving UX

Want to win over more customers? Make it easier for them to trust you.

A positive user experience helps you build and maintain a positive customer relationship—and product teams can help create a positive user experience that leads to sales, inspires repeat purchases, and encourages customers to recommend your brand to others.

Hotjar Team

PX insights

Top 5 session replay tools for analyzing user behavior

If you’re a business selling online, it’s important to create a website experience your users will love. A poor user experience or frustrating customer journey can negatively affect your site’s conversion rate, and ultimately your revenue.

Hotjar Team

Behavior analytics

How to set up a free Google Analytics heat map

If you’ve come here to learn more about Google Analytics heat maps, we have both good and bad news for you.

The bad news: Google stopped supporting its heatmap add-on in 2017, and recent reviews confirm that it doesn’t work anymore for a lot of users.

The good news: there's another way for you to get a free heatmap using Hotjar, and we guarantee it will work.

Hotjar Team

Survey Templates

Product feedback

Product discovery survey

27 example questions to ask your users to discover ways to improve your product.

Hotjar Team

Market research

The Hotjar Question Bank (+70 examples)

Learn more about your prospects and customers with over 70 different questions

Hotjar Team

Product research

Screener survey

Capture the people in your target audience and filter out users who don't fit your criteria

Hotjar Team

Market research

Van Westendorp price sensitivity survey

Find the sweet spot price for your product or service—not too high, not too low

Hotjar Team

Market research

27 popular customer feedback questions

Get closer to your customers and their needs with 27 feedback questions

Hotjar Team

Churn & abandonment

B2B usability survey

Measure the usability and ease of use of your B2B product (UMUX Lite)

Hotjar Team

Product feedback

10 website survey questions

Spot issues, find opportunities, and prioritize your work by asking these 10 questions

Hotjar Team

Customer satisfaction & NPS®

Time to resolution survey

Find out customers' perceptions of a resolved issue from their first contact with customer service 

Hotjar Team

Market research

Five popular questions to ask customers

Launching a new product? Ask these 5 questions first

Hotjar Team

Churn & abandonment

Customer retention survey

Increase customer retention by learning what makes them leave in the first place

Hotjar Team

Customer satisfaction & NPS®

Customer effort score survey

Learn how to collect, analyze, and measure your Customer Effort Score (CES)

Hotjar Team

Product research

User persona survey

Find out the main needs and reasons why people use your product/service

Hotjar Team

Market research

Demographics survey

Truly understand your target audience with these demographics questions

Hotjar Team

Customer satisfaction & NPS®

Employee feedback survey

Improve your workplace by gathering actionable employee feedback at scale

Hotjar Team

Product research

User testing survey

20+ questions to ask in user testing—and when to ask them

Hotjar Team

Product feedback

Product feedback survey

Get actionable feedback on your product so you know what to work on

Hotjar Team


Product feedback

Beta feedback survey

Gather feedback before you launch your product with this survey for beta users

Hotjar Team

Product feedback

Content feedback survey

Does your messaging resonate? Find ways to improve your content with this survey

Hotjar Team

Churn & abandonment

B2B churn survey

Find out why users are abandoning your product

Hotjar Team


Market research

Market research survey

Building a brand new product? Learn more about your target users

Hotjar Team

Market research

Pricing plans feedback survey

Forget the guesswork and gather real buyers’ thoughts on your pricing plans

Hotjar Team

Churn & abandonment

Exit-intent survey

Capture feedback before a visitor leaves your site and reduce your bounce rate

Hotjar Team

Traffic attribution

Traffic attribution survey

Learn where your audience first heard about your brand

Hotjar Team

Market research

Product market fit survey

Find out how far your product satisfies the market's demand

Hotjar Team


Customer satisfaction & NPS®

Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) survey

Find out how satisfied your customers are with your product or service

Hotjar Team

Product Forge

Product Manager Time Management: Streamline Your Workflow

Workflow tips

How product teams can instantly streamline their workflow with Hotjar’s integrations

As a product manager or member of a product team, you’re responsible for making data-driven decisions that shape the future of your product. But with insights coming from dozens of sources, how do you find the time to sift through them? And how do you home in on the most important data to ensure you don’t miss anything crucial?

Hotjar Team

Continuous delivery and how to balance it with continuous discovery

Continuous discovery

How to balance continuous delivery with continuous discovery

Continuous delivery and discovery help product teams learn more effectively and provide value to customers. 

But some teams have been hesitant to adopt these techniques because they aren’t sure how to properly balance delivery and discovery.

Let’s take a look at continuous delivery and continuous discovery: where they came from, how they’re different, and how an effective product team can strike the right balance to deliver customers the right product, in the right way, at the right time.

Hotjar Team

Building a product culture to facilitate getting shit done

Product team culture

How to empower your product team to get shit done

The average product team spends a huge amount of time juggling loads of different tasks, pressures, and demands. 

On an average day, urgent user requests and stakeholder asks pour in, meetings line up, the product backlog expands, and product team members find their best-laid plans changed or delayed.

Sound familiar? 

These pressures are intrinsic to product work, but if you let them grow, they’ll destroy your focus, strategy, and delivery. 

Luckily, they can be managed.

Hotjar Team

Product conflict resolution tips to create team synergy

Product team culture

4 product conflict resolution tips to create team synergy

Great product teams bring together a variety of backgrounds, points of view, skills, and personalities, which is essential to building a successful team—but it can also lead to tension and conflict. 

However, with the right mindset and a thoughtful approach, conflict can inspire meaningful solutions that ultimately benefit your team’s ability to build and deliver brilliant products.

In this article, we explore why conflict happens and how you can use it to demonstrate key values and behaviors within your product team.

Hotjar Team


Workflow tips

Data democratization and self-serve analytics: tips for product teams

Traditionally, access to data has been restricted to a few analysts in each organization who know how to interpret the data, translate it, and use it to help the company reach its business goals. The restriction was born out of security, necessity, and the lack of shared knowledge. 

But today’s world is increasingly data-driven and reserving this information for only a select few in your business is no longer an option.

Hotjar Team

types of product testing and what product testing means to product teams

Continuous discovery

Different types of product testing and why they matter for product teams

Successfully launching a product requires a lot of testing—then more testing, and then testing again. 

Often, product testing is seen as a separate activity to product development. But when testing isn’t integrated into the product development process, product teams can miss the insights they need to ensure their products work smoothly and solve user problems.

Hotjar Team

Product team culture

How to overcome common obstacles for effective product change management

Product change management is key in responding to dynamic market pressures and delivering solutions that meet evolving user needs—and product managers are familiar with the blockers that often arise in product or organizational change processes, from user confusion and employee resistance to breakdowns in cross-functional communication. 

Product change management is a challenge, but it’s also an opportunity—and one worth taking.

Hotjar Team

Workflow tips

The art of product storytelling: how product teams can balance evidence with empathy

Product narratives should be grounded on clear, quantifiable data points; product teams have to use powerful statistics like revenue, active users, and retention rate as evidence to get buy-in for their vision. 

But data alone won’t create the emotional connection you need to captivate your users and convince your stakeholders.

Hotjar Team

Workflow tips

Product backlog management tips that drive results, not chaos

In product management, backlog optimization is a key part of delivering high-quality products to users. Keeping your team’s backlog well-prioritized drives clear focus, streamlines workflow, and helps you deliver impactful products that delight customers.

Article - 11 min read

Hotjar Team

Workflow tips

12 product management challenges: the toughest parts of the job (and how to tackle them!)

Product managers are not the type to shy away from a challenge. Most product managers thrive with a fast-paced, varied product workflow. They live for the satisfaction of guiding a team through research, development, and execution to maximize customer delight.

But the varied, agile workflow that makes product management exciting is also what makes it uniquely challenging.

Article - 24 min read

Hotjar Team

Workflow tips

How to prioritize initiatives with cost of delay analysis

You know when you go to a buffet, and you want some of everything, but you can only carry as many plates as you have hands?

It’s not all that different from being a product manager sometimes.

Article - 13 min read

Hotjar Team

Customer delight

User research techniques for product managers: what should I be looking for?

User research is the driving force behind product experience insights and UX improvements. But where do you start?

Article - 13 min read

Hotjar Team


Workflow tips

How to implement scrappy product management in your team

Like most things, scrappy product management strategies have their pros and cons. Some product teams embrace them with open arms, while others shoo them out the door faster than you can say “release notes.”

Article - 19 min read

Hotjar Team


Organizational awareness

Organizational awareness: 9 tips for product teams

In the second quarter of 2021, we surveyed our customers to get insights into their day-to-day experience working on a product team. We learned that organizational awareness is one of the most challenging aspects of being a product team member.

Article - 16 min read

Hotjar Team


Continuous discovery

How to overcome expectations and manage continuous discovery

Continuous discovery—that is, continually gathering information on user needs to refine your product ideas—can result in happier customers, sharper priority lists, and a better product-market fit.

Article - 15 min read

Hotjar Team

Organizational awareness

How to build a cross-functional collaboration culture for product teams

Collaboration and communication can lead to massive business success. Productivity increases when teams and individual contributors are connected, and businesses with effective communication strategies have the potential to outperform their competition.

Hotjar Team

Lady smiling

Customer delight

How product teams can create customer delight (and why it matters)

Many product teams have a problem solution mindset, building features and experiences designed to solve a specific problem for a specific user.

That’s important, of course—but sustainable, lasting business growth means more than satisfying customers and meeting their expectations. Building customer delight into your product is what drives product-led growth.

Hotjar Team

Workflow tips

A/B testing in product management: the best A/B testing tools to build better products

As a product manager (PM), your job is to deliver a product users will love. But like most things in life, that's easier said than done.

Best practices and the latest design trends aren’t always going to work for your users. If your goals are to improve retention, provide a better user experience, and increase revenue, you need to A/B test your way to success.

Hotjar Team

Team growth

Growing a product management team successfully: expert tips (and pitfalls to avoid)

Successful product management is more than just building a product: you’re also building a team.

The mix of multiple departments, new heads, skills, and goals can seem chaotic, but it doesn't have to be. With some foresight and preparation, you can grow a successful product management team—one that works together to build a product that truly delights your customers.

Hotjar Team

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